Friday, July 15, 2011

Blockstar 3: Brooklyn

Blockstar 3: Brooklyn will be taking place on Saturday, July 23 at 11:00am. Bring the kids, the family, the skateboard and the ramps! Join your neighbors and have some summer fun as part of Crown Height's Summer of Celebration!

Free food and drink for the kids.

For more information, check out their Facebook page.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Largest Human Chain Ever in Brooklyn

We received this email as an URGENT request to join in TAKING A STAND. Peace in Brooklyn will not be given, it must be earned.
On July 2nd and 3rd, @ 1PM Sharp! please STOP ALL activities, go OUTDOORS hold hands with your family, friends, neighbors, local businesses, law enforcement, organizations, clubs, fraternities, sororities, etc. and Stand for Humanity.

Form the largest Human Chain! ever in Brooklyn. Block by Block.

Our politicians, police, community leaders, and clergy cannot do it alone.

Share this info. and ask others to join you.