Thursday, April 30, 2009

CHCA Spring Cleaning Day

We had a wonderful CHCA Spring Cleaning Day
on Franklin Avenue in April

(photo courtesy of PR-G)

Thank you to all who volunteered
especially everyone from
Bed Stuy's Project Re-Generation, Inc. (PR-G)

HOMEOWNERS - Checkout the PR-G Foot Soldiers, they offer great sidewalk clean up services and employ local youth!!!

See more pictures on our FaceBook page and if you are a resident or merchant on Franklin Avenue, don't forget to water the plants.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sanitation Issues

The Environment/Sanitation Committee of
Community Board 8 invites you to

A Luncheon Forum
Saturday, May 16, 2009 - Noon to 2:30 PM
First Church of God in Christ
221 Kingston Avenue (between Park and Sterling Places)

• Do you receive too many tickets for trash on your sidewalk?
• Concerned about stray cats or rats in the neighborhood?
• Annoyed by blaring car alarms?
• Concerned by idling cars/vans/trucks or body shops spray painting on your block or other local business concerns?
• Want to upgrade your home to make it more energy efficient?
• Concerned about pesticides the city uses?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please attend!

Food provided by Roy Simmons and New Heights of NY Bar & Lounge

Mayoral Control of New York City Public Schools: Mend It or End It???

"Mayoral Control of New York City Public Schools: Mend It or End It???"

DATE: Sunday, April 26, 2009 -3PM
Union Temple
17 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238


DATE: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 6PM
Teen Challenge Center
444 Clinton Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238

SPONSORS: Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats (CBID), The 57th Assembly District Democratic Organization, United Federation of Teachers (UFT), State Senators Velmanette Montgomery & Eric Adams, Council Member Letitia James, & District Leader Olanike Alabi.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Educational Opportunity grades 5-8

Brooklyn Jesuit Prep school, one of the youngest Nativity-model schools in the country, graduated its first class in June 2006. BJP began with an after-school program in the spring of 2003 and the Summer Leadership Program in Summer 2003 to prepare incoming students for the middle school. In September 2003, our first fifth and sixth graders started classes full-time. The school became a full middle school in September 2005 with grades five through eight and graduated its first class of students in June 2006! Both boys and girls attend BJP, but the boys and girls attend separate, single-gender classes. This method allows students to focus on their academics while providing them opportunities for interaction during the after-school program.

560 Sterling Place
718-638-5884 for more info

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


If you are a Brooklyn resident who is considering filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy in order to stop a home foreclosure and are unable to afford an attorney, this workshop may be of interest to you.

Topics to be discussed:
The different types of bankruptcy
How filing bankruptcy may be able to help you save your home
Alternatives to filing bankruptcy, and
Services provided by the Chapter 13 Foreclosure Prevention Program
After the presentation, there will be a "Question and Answer" session where attorneys will be present to dialogue with the workshop participants.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
6:00 pm -9:00 pm
Medgar Evers College
Room 207-C
1150 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, New York 11225
(in the Crown Heights section of Central Brooklyn)

This event is free and open to Brooklyn residents.
To RSVP , call CLSJ at 718.270.6297.
For more info on CLSJ, please visit:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good News for Our Community

Council Member Letitia James is pleased to report that Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the City's selection for infrastructure projects this week, which will receive financial backing from the $261 million of federal transportation funding, allocated through President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As chair of the Contracts Committee, and co-chair of the Infrastructure Task Force, Council Member James advocated for all infrastructure projects receiving funds, specifically the descriptions below of plans within the 35th Council District. She has held several meetings with Edward Skyler, Deputy Mayor for Operations, and has kept pressure on the Bloomberg Administration to ensure these projects effecting our community were prioritized.

Reconstruction of Eastern Parkway - The project involves reconstruction of the roadway from Washington Avenue to Grand Army Plaza to improve the street, which is currently in deteriorated condition, and improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicular traffic. The reconstruction will reduce the frequency of future resurfacing and repair work, which can cause lane closures. The project will improve access to several cultural, recreational and educational institutions, including the Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the Brooklyn Public Library, and Prospect Park. Total project cost: $12 million - construction bid fall 2009, and estimated completion Spring 2012

Citywide Sidewalk Repairs for all Boroughs - The project will repair sidewalks that are damaged by curbside trees in locations throughout the City. The damaged sidewalks cause inconvenience and safety concerns for property owners, who are responsible for the condition of their sidewalks. The sidewalk repairs, done at no cost to the homeowner, will maximize the strength and durability of the sidewalks, while minimizing the damage to tree roots. One-, two-, and three family homes occupied by the owner are eligible for this program. Total project cost: $3.7 million, construction bid spring 2009, and estimated completion summer 2010.

The City of New York's economic plan focuses on making investments in neighborhoods that will create more jobs, as well encourage greater economic opportunity now, and when projects are completed. In order to maintain transparency and accountability when using stimulus funding, the funds allocated to the City can be followed on the “Stimulus Tracker” located at the official New York City web site.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Did you know that the City recently closed all of Brooklyn's library branches on Sundays? A group of Crown Heights residents is working to open a new library "branch" here in Crown Heights, starting this summer. It will open on Sundays from 1-6pm (the same hours the Brooklyn Public Library would normally be open) and will be available to everyone.
The new branch will use donated space and materials, and will be designed and staffed by volunteers. If you'd like to attend a monthly planning meeting, or just want to find out more, please e-mail Thanks.