Sunday, October 31, 2010


We are participating in
NYCLeaves: Project Leaf Drop:
Please bring your leaves to
the Crow Hill Community Garden
Saturday November 6th
Sunday November 14th
11 AM - 2 PM
Franklin Avenue between Park Place & Franklin

Please bring your leaves to the Crow Hill Community Garden to be used for composting & mulch. If possible, please use paper leaf bags (available at Home Depot) We will have composting information available at the garden during the drop off times. The city no longer collects leaves for composting, if you put them out in your trash, they end up in landfill.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Our Kids Halloween Parade will be Saturday Oct 30
It will start at 3:30 at the Community Garden at 1099 Dean St
and will end at the Crow Hill Community Garden on Franklin
Afterwards there will be pumpkin painting here at LaunchPad (just across the street) sponsored by Urban River Arts
Bring noise makers/instruments

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Public Safety:
Without being alarmist, we want people to continue to be aware of crime in the community: there was an attempted rape this past month on a Sunday, at 10:30 p.m. at 679 Sterling Place (between Franklin & Bedford Avenue). The victim was unable to give a description of the man because he approached her from behind and she didn't see his face. Please be alert when you are on the street, especially when you are entering your vestibules.
Burglaries are still up, it is critical that we keep our windows locked, especially those on fire escapes.

Intake Center at the Armory:
A brief update from CBAAR (Coalition for Bedford/Atlantic Armory Reform)
The news regarding the Bedford Atlantic Armory is both good and bad. We have been in contact with the new Commissioner for the Department of Homeless Services: Seth Diamond. In response to our queries he has said that there are no immediate plans to open the intake center for single homeless men at the Bedford Atlantic Armory shelter. However when the intake center at Bellevue closes, the city still intends to open the intake center at the Armory.
We are holding the city off but we must remain vigilant and continue to oppose the intake center. We have requested that DHS keep us informed about the status of the intake center. However there is no guarantee they will do this. Right now and for the foreseeable future, it is imperative that each of us keep an eye on the shelter and report any changes back to us

November Elections
EVERYONE MUST VOTE: This is the most important community effort that you can make in November! It is crucial to the work that the Association undertakes that Crown Heights (and specifically Crow Hill) is seen as a caring and vocal community. The issues that we face are duplicated throughout the City and there are limited resources to deal with them. The communities which get out and vote and make the most noise, are going to be the communities that receive the most attention, it is that simple.
Please be sure to vote on November 2.

Landmarking Crow Hill:
On Tuesday, October 26th the Landmarks Preservation Commission will be holding a meeting at which a group of 13 buildings on Park Place between Franklin & Bedford will be presented for landmarking. Landmark status has already been granted to parts of Prospect Heights and other areas of Crown Heights North, we ask everyone who has an interest in extending this status into Crow Hill to attend this meeting in support.
Again, the meeting is Tuesday, October 26th at 11:35 in the Public Meeting Room of the
Municipal Building: 1 Centre St, 9th floor North in Manhattan.

SOS Peace March:
On Wednesday (tomorrow) there will be a walk sponsored by Save Our Streets beginning at 6 PM at the northwest corner of Utica & Eastern Parkway. We will walk west towards Franklin Avenue ending at Franklin and Eastern Parkway. There we will recognize the lives lost and those affected by gun violence in Crown Heights North. For more information contact Lisa Jones, S.O.S. Program Manager at 718-679-9410.

Garbage The Go Green/Go Clean committee has been working to get a Big Belly Solar powered trash receptacle/compactor for Franklin Avenue. It would be EXTREMELY helpful if whenever you see an overflowing city garbage can any corner of Franklin Ave. if you would call 311 and give its location.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Wednesday, Oct. 20th at 6 PM.
March will begin at the Northwest corner of Eastern Parkway and Utica Avenue.
We will walk West towards Franklin Avenue ending at Franklin and Eastern Parkway.
There we will recognize the lives lost and those affected by gun violence in Crown Heights North
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Lisa Jones, S.O.S. Program Manager at 718-679-9410.

Please visit the Crown Heights Mediation Center blog for more information.
And here's a link to S.O.S.'s brand new blog:

Sunday, October 17, 2010


the Pratt Area Community Council is hosting FREE financial literacy courses just up Franklin Avenue at Lefferts Place this November, and registration is open now. Call 718-783-3549 or email Charrisse Smith at Charrisse_Smith {at} prattarea {dot} org for more information or to register.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Free Art Classes at LaunchPad

Free Art Classes at LaunchPad
Adults & children
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
3-6PM until 10/22
721 Franklin Ave

Interns also needed for Sunday 10/24 noon-6PM
see this flyer for more information
or contact Kimberly or 917-584-4616