Cash for Guns Saturday December 11, 2010 Drop off-sites open: 11am - 5pm The New York City Police Department in corporation with the Brooklyn Clergy Coalition to Reduce Violent Crime will be hosting a "Cash For Guns" buyback program. Turn in a weapon and receive a $200 bank card for an operable handgun or $20 bank card for an operable rifles or shotgun. No questions asked! Drop-off sites: First Baptist Church of Brownsville 357 Chester St Brooklyn, NY 11212 Bishop A.D. Lyon, Pastor 718 - 498 - 1074 Southern Baptist Church 820 Stanley Ave Brooklyn, NY 11207 Rev. Clarence Williams, Pastor 718 - 272 - 4848 The flyer containing all the pertinent information can be downloaded and easily printed and displayed in highly visible locations. Also available to download is a list of frequently asked questions. Remember every gun taken off the streets is one less gun that can be used in the commission of a violent crime against you or a loved one. So please encourage your congregants, community leaders and board members to spread the word about this very important event. Together we can make a difference. |