Sorry to disappoint those of you who have heard the rumor that we had won and stopped the intake center.Unfortunately this is not true.
The City’s Department of Homeless Services still intends to add an intake center to the shelter at the Bedford Atlantic Armory.
Where things stand now:
1. The Department of Homeless Services is only postponing moving an intake center into our armory for about a year.
3. As before, DHS says putting up half the money for a Track and Field at the Bedford Atlantic Armory is contingenton our communities’ accepting an intake center there.
The fact is we must stay united and continue to stay active in our fight to stop the city’s Department of Homeless Services from placing an intake center at the Bed-Atlantic Armory. We have pushed them back. Now we must stop them.
Please stay alert and report anything related to the Bed-Atlantic Armory shelter, keep the petitions coming and be prepared to participate in calls to action, forums, rallies and town hall meetings.