If you are a Brooklyn resident who is considering filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy in order to stop a home foreclosure and are unable to afford an attorney, this workshop may be of interest to you.
Topics to be discussed:
The different types of bankruptcy
How filing bankruptcy may be able to help you save your home
Alternatives to filing bankruptcy, and
Services provided by the Chapter 13 Foreclosure Prevention Program
After the presentation, there will be a "Question and Answer" session where attorneys will be present to dialogue with the workshop participants.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
6:00 pm -9:00 pm
Medgar Evers College
Room 207-C
1150 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, New York 11225
(in the Crown Heights section of Central Brooklyn)
This event is free and open to Brooklyn residents.
To RSVP , call CLSJ at 718.270.6297.
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